Forming The Development Circle

The circle should be composed of not less than four persons, and not

more than twelve. It is well to have an equal number of persons of each

sex, if this be possible; if not possible to obtain an equality of the

sexes, the effort should be made to come as near to that equality as is

possible. The members of the circle should seat themselves around a

table, and as nearly as is possible the sexes should be alternated in

his grouping, that is to say, a man should sit next to a woman, and so

on. It will be found well to have the same persons regularly attend the

circles, so far as is possible. Likewise, it will be found advantageous

to always use the same table, and to hold the circle in the same

room--but these things are not absolutely essential, and very good

results may often be obtained by having the members of the circle gather

at the different homes of its respective members. While cheerfulness is

well on the part of the sitters, there should be no indulgence in levity

and joking during the sitting. The room should be comfortably warmed and

lighted in the ordinary way.

