How Experiments Are Conducted

The scientific experiments involving Telepathy, which have been

conducted by numerous societies for psychical research and other bodies,

have ranged from quite simple tests to those very complex. In all of

these experiments there has been one person called the "sender," and

another called the "receiver"--or names corresponding to these. The

sender fixes in his mind a strong impression of the name or picture to

be trans
itted, and then makes a positive effort of the will to transmit

the same to the receiver. The receiver assumes a passive receptive

mental attitude, and then reports the word or image that comes into his

mind. The more complex tests embody these same simple features.

Some of the early reports of the Society for Psychical Research, of

London, England, show results most amazing to those who have not made a

personal investigation of these matters. In some of the tests, the

receiver correctly reported seventeen cards in succession, the said

cards having been shown the sender, but kept out of sight of the

receiver, and no possible communication between the two being allowed.

In tests of naming small objects held by the sender, the receiver

correctly named five out of six. In one complicated test, in which

various objects, names, etc., were transmitted, the report shows a

successful report of 202 out of a possible 382. Such results, of course,

took the results entirely out of the operation of the law of averages.

Other successful experiments showed a high percentage of results

obtained from the reproduction by the sender of geometrical and other

figures and designs exhibited to the sender.

