Its Use In Physick

This Stone cures all Leprous people, Plague, and all Diseases which may

reign upon Earth, or befal Mankind; this is the true Aurum potabile,

and the true Quintessence which the Ancients sought; this is what thing

whereof the whole Troop of Philosophers speak so wondrously, using all

possible skill to conceal its Name and Operation, as aforesaid.

Take of this Stone the quantity of a Wheat-corn, lay it in a little good<
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Wine in a small Glass, half full, or a quarter full, make the Wine warm,

the Stone will melt like Butter, and the Wine will be red as Bloud, and

very sweet in your mouth, as ever you tasted; for to speak

comparatively, it is so sweet in taste that Honey and Sugar may be

compared as Gall to it; give this unto the Patient to drink, lay him in

Bed, but lay not too many cloaths upon him, the Stone hastens forthwith

to the heart, expelling thence all ill humors, thence dilating it self

through all the Arteries and Veins of the whole Body, rousing up all

humours, the party will sweat, for the Stone opens all the pores of the

Body, and drives forth all humours thereby, so that the Patient will

seem to have been in the Water, yet will this sweating not make him

sicker, for the Stone expels only what is adverse to Nature, preserving

what is consonant unto it in its being, therefore the Patient is not

sicker or weaker; but the more he sweats the stronger and lustier will

he be, the Veins will be lighter, and the Sweat continues till all evil

Humours be driven out of the Body, and then it ceases.

The next day you shall take of it the quantity of a Wheat-corn, in warm

Wine again, you will go to stool immediately, and that will not cease so

long as you have any thing in your Body which is contrary to Nature, and

the more Stools the Patient hath, the stronger and lighter at heart will

he be; for the Stone drives nothing forth but what is adverse and

prejudicial to Nature.

The third day give the like quantity in warm Wine, as aforesaid; it will

so fortifie the Veins and Heart, that the party will not think himself

to be a Man, but rather a Spirit, all his Members will be so light and

lively, & if the party will take the like quantity of a Wheat-Corn every

day for the space of nine days, I tell you, his Body will be as

spiritual as if he had been nine days in the terrestrial Paradise,

eating every day of the Fruit, making him fair, lusty, and young;

therefore use this Stone weekly, the quantity of a Wheat-Corn with warm

Wine, so shall you live in health unto the last hour of the time

appointed for you by God.

What say you, my Child, is not this the true Aurum potabile, and the

true Quintessence, and the thing which we seek? It is a spiritual thing,

a Gift which God bestows upon his Friends, therefore, my Child, do not

undertake this Divine Work, if you find your self in deadly Sins, or

that your intent be otherwise than to Gods Glory, and to perform those

things which I taught you before.

I tell you truly, you may see the Work, or begin it, but I am certain

you shall never accomplish it, nor see the Stone, God will order it so,

it will break, fall, or some one Disaster or other will happen, that you

shall never see the Stone, or accomplish it. Therefore if you find

yourself otherwise, do not begin the work, for I know assuredly, you

will lose your Labour; wherefore deceive not yourself. Enough to the


