Co-operation Of Medium And Spirits

The medium who observes certain simple and plain rules and habits of

conduct will not suffer any loss of strength of character or

individuality from his exercise of his mediumistic power; on the

contrary, an intelligent exercise of the power of mediumship often tends

to develop the intellectual power of the medium. As to the idea that the

medium must be ignorant, we have but to call your attention to the fact

that many
of the most efficient mediums are intelligent, and even

brilliant individuals. As a writer has said: "There may be some mediums

who are ignoramuses, but it is doubtful if there will be any great

degree of intelligence or great spiritual illumination presented through

their agency. It is possible that some mediums act foolishly when in

their normal state, for the purpose of accentuating the difference

between their ordinary and supernormal conditions of mental activity;

but there is a more rational, intelligent, and, indeed, a more spiritual

conception of the relations which should exist between mediums and their

spirit guides, which is rapidly finding favor with thoughtful mediums

and spiritualists alike. The proper method of communing with the spirits

of the unseen realm is conducive to good, and not evil, to the medium.

The co-operative association of medium and spirit on the plane of

thought and purpose, emotion and motive, ethics and inspiration, results

in the education and elevation of the medium."

