Example Of Electric Light
Perhaps this matter may be best explained by means of illustrations of
the operation of electricity and light--electric vibrations and light
vibrations. In both cases the secret of the transmission of the
vibrations or waves of vibratory energy may be summed up in the word
"TRANSFORMATION." For instance: When we transmit electric vibrations
over a fine wire or thread of carbon, the electric vibrations are
transformed i
to light vibrations and manifest as "electric light." In
another form of transmission the electric vibrations are transformed
into "electric heat." But this is merely one phase of the
transformation; consider carefully the more complex phases, as follows:
We speak into the receiver of a telephone and the sound vibrations
produced by our voice are transformed into electrical vibrations and in
that form travel over the telephone wire; arriving at the other end of
the wire, these electric vibrations enter into the receiver, and are
there transformed into sound vibrations, and as such are heard by the
person holding the receiver. Now note this: the sound vibrations do not
travel at all; instead, they are transformed into electric waves, which
in turn are transformed at the receiving end of the line into sound
vibrations once more. And unless the receiving apparatus be present, and
properly adjusted, there is no second transformation at all; and in such
case the electric vibrations remain such.