Good Advice To Young Mediums

A mediumistic writer gives the following advice on this subject to young

mediums: "Never forget that your nerve-vital energy is used and expended

in the exercise of your mediumship, and that the supply is limited,

hence the necessity for care and moderation. Too frequent, prolonged,

or discordant seances; inharmonious conditions and sittings, when you

are already jaded and exhausted, are therefore to be avoided. If you

make excessive demands upon your energies, nervous prostrations and

derangements are an almost inevitable consequence. It is not the use of

mediumship, but its abuse that is dangerous--perversion and excess are

as injurious in this direction as they are in others, whereas temperate

and healthful exercises are strengthening and exhilarating. If you feel

'run down,' decline to act. If you feel that the circle is inharmonious,

or that the sitters are depleted and exacting, refuse to sit. If you

feel that you are tired, and feel weary and debilitated on the day

following your seances, you may be sure that you are sitting too long,

or that you require the help of a larger circle of congenial friends to

supply the requisite psychic force for your further development."

