Natural Unfoldment

Again, the person wishing to develop his latent mediumistic powers must

exercise patience and perseverance, and must not insist upon a premature

attempt at revelation on the part of the spirits. The process of the

unfoldment of the mediumistic powers should be akin to that of the

unfoldment of the bud of the flower, that is to say, it must be gradual,

natural, and unforced. The writer above mentioned, says on this point:

> "Too many people, instead of waiting until the spirits were ready to

communicate with them, have pressed for 'tests' before the connections

were properly made. They have complicated matters by their eager

questionings, and have worried the operators until everything went

wrong; and then, because the answers were incorrect, inconsequent and

misleading, or persistently negative, they declared that the spirit was

a deceiver, evil, or foolish, and, while having only themselves to

blame, gave up the sittings in disgust, whereas, had they been less

impetuous, less opinionated, less prejudiced, they would in all

probability have eventually obtained satisfactory proofs of the presence

of their spirit loved ones."

