Signs Of Spirit Presence

There will be manifested in most cases a peculiar sense of heaviness or

weight in the hands on the table, and an impression that the hands are

being held to the table as if by glue or other adhesive material. In the

arms are manifested peculiar tingling, pricking sensations, or a

"needles and pins" feeling, something akin to a gentle current of

electricity passing along them. Sometimes there is experienced the

of a gentle cool breeze passing over the sitters--particularly

over the backs of their hands. In other cases there may be a sense of

numbness or partial loss of sensation, something akin to that

experienced when a hand or arm "goes to sleep," as the popular phrase

expresses it. In other cases there is manifested a peculiar jerking,

twitching, or vibration of the hands and arms, sometimes extending to

the whole body of some of the sitters. Sometimes the hand of the medium

will begin to make motions as if he were trying to write, and a pencil

placed in his hands may trace crude figures or attempts at letters. At

this stage it will be found that the singing of hymns or similar music

will tend to have a quieting, soothing, harmonizing effect.

