Some Difficulties Of The Spirits
A writer on the subject has well said regarding this difficulty on the
part of the communicating spirit: "Spirits have many difficulties to
overcome." On one occasion, a medium felt the influence of an arisen
friend very strongly. It was accompanied by an intense desire to speak,
and yet the medium was unable to give utterance to that which the spirit
wished to have said. In answer to an inquiry that was subsequently made
as to why the spirit had been unable to communicate with his dear ones,
one of the familiar controls of the medium explained that he thought
that he had actually spoken. His feeling of nearness to them was so
vivid, and his wish to express himself through the lips of the medium
had been so intense, that it was only after he had ceased his efforts to
control that he realized that he had only THOUGHT and INTENDED, but had
not succeeded in compelling the sensitive to utter his message. This
will perhaps explain why mediums sometimes rise to their feet and act as
if they were about to speak, but get no further--they do not receive the
impression, or the right mental impulse; they feel as if they COULD
speak and yet they have nothing to say. At such times a few words of
sympathy and inquiry from the conductor of the circle may assist the
control to realize the situation and succeed in his endeavors to