Spirit Suggestion

"At first the operator may succeed by very imperfectly stimulating the

brain of the sensitive and causing the cerebration and expression of his

thoughts. The utterances may bear but a slight resemblance to what the

spirit intended to express. The vocabulary is that of the medium, and

the form in which the speech is cast of necessity partakes of the mold

familiar to the sensitive--but, by continued close association and

frequent control of the medium, the operator gains experience which

enables him to exert a more decided influence; and the sensitive,

becoming attuned, responds to and expresses the thoughts of the spirit

with greater clearness and precision. Just as those who dwell together

unconsciously approach nearer to each other and acquire a similarity in

their mode of thought and of expressing their ideas (the more dominant

personality impressing itself upon the less positive), so the medium

imperceptibly, and very often unconsciously, acquires facility and

proficiency in thought and elocutionary expression as the result of the

co-operation between himself and his spirit guide."

