The Aspirational Attitude

To those who purpose to develop their latent mediumistic powers by and

through the development circle, we would say that it is of the highest

importance that they should cultivate a trustful, hopeful mental

attitude, and a willingness to open themselves to the inflow of the

spiritual power of their friends of the spiritual planes. As a writer

has said, they should "make some mental preparation, such as eliminating

from their minds all disturbing or irritating thoughts, and by striving

to consciously realize union of purpose with those who may have

previously made their presence known or indicated their intention to

help in the work of the development of their mediumistic powers, by

mentally requesting that the spiritual ties may be strengthened. Even

where there has not been any clear indication of the presence of spirit

helpers, a generally aspirational and receptive attitude of mind will do

much towards providing favorable conditions."

