The Contagion Of Thought
The same writer says, along the same general lines: "Many have of course
noticed the differing mental atmospheres of stores, offices, and other
places of business. Some of such places give one an air of confidence
and trust; others create a feeling of suspicion and distrust; some
convey an impression of active, wideawake management, while others
impress one as being behind the times, and suffering from a want of
active management. These differing mental atmospheres are caused
by the different prevailing mental attitudes of the owners of the
respective establishments. The managers of business places send forth
thought-waves of their own, and their employees naturally falling into
the pace set for them also send forth similar vibrations, and before
long the whole place is vibrating on a certain scale. A change of
management soon produces a marked change in the entire mental atmosphere
of the place. In the same way, we notice the mental atmospheres of the
houses we happen to visit; in this way we become conscious of an entire
mental scale of many notes, the notes being sounded unconsciously by the
minds of the occupants of the houses. From some thresholds radiate
harmony, while others breathe the spirit of inharmony. Some radiate
emotional warmth, while others chill one like an iceberg, by reason of
the emotional coldness of the dwellers therein. Likewise, the low
quarters of our cities, the dens of vice, and the haunts of dissipation
vibrate with the character of the thought and feeling of those
inhabiting them. And, often, the weak-willed visitor is thus tempted. In
the same way, certain other places are charged with the vibrations of
strong, helpful, elevating mental states, which tend to lift up and
elevate, energize and stimulate the minds and feelings of those visiting
these places. Thought and feeling are contagious, by reason of the laws
of mental vibration and mental induction."