The Entranced State

Another mediumistic writer says: "The entrancement usually takes place

all at once, and the entranced one passes into the realm of

communication with the spirits without much warning of any kind. When

the medium is entranced it is highly essential that there be no

commotion or fear expressed in thought or action in the circle. It must

be remembered that the welfare of the medium depends a great deal on the

conditions o
the others present, and purity of thought and pleasant

expectation should be the first thing looked after when the entrancement

occurs. In passing into the trance, the medium usually grows very pale

and acts not unlike a person going into a faint. But he or she must be

allowed to pass behind the veil without any commotion. When the

entrancement is accomplished, the manifestations may take place in

different ways. There are, in fact, many forms of manifestation

belonging to this particular phase of mediumship, but they all come

under the general rule and conditions."

