The Power Of Fearthought

The last-named writer explains the reference to "fear and belief" in the

last sentence above quoted by the following very important statements,

and these we ask every student of this book to firmly impress upon his

mind, for a mighty truth is therein conveyed. The statements in question

are as follows:

"Your attention is hereby called to a very important psychic principle

involved in the manifestation of
hat class of phenomena in which is

embraced the cases of witchcraft, sorcery, etc., with which the pages of

history are filled. It is a well established fact that by denying the

psychic power over you exerted by any person whatsoever, you practically

neutralize the psychic power of such person, at least so far as its

effect upon and power over yourself is concerned. The stronger and more

positive is your mental attitude of immunity to such power, and your

assertion and affirmation of that immunity, the greater is your own

power of psychic resistance, and the less does his possible power over

you become. The average person, not knowing this, is more or less

passive to psychic influences of other persons, and may be affected by

them to a greater or less extent, the degree depending upon the psychic

development of the person seeking to influence him.

