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All Crystal Reading
A Postulate
Any attempt at a scientific explanation of the phenomenon of "crystal seering," to use an irregular but comprehensive term, would perhaps fall short of completeness, and certainly would depend largely upon the exercise of what Professor Huxley was wont...
Allied Psychic Phases
The faculty of second sight is not by any means the most common of the psychic powers. Psychometric impressions which proceed by the sense of touch into that of a superior order of feeling are far more general. We are affected much more than is gen...
Concise Dictionary Of Astrological Terms
AFFLICTION.—When a planet is on the cross (square) or in opposition, it is said to afflict. AIRY SIGNS.—Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These are the mental signs. ANGLES.—The cardinal points forming the cross or square; the first, fourth, sev...
The foregoing short treatise will gain some practical value by a statement of the conditions most suitable for scrying. A diffused natural light, preferably from the north, is always better than an artificial light. The subject should sit with ...
Under this head we propose to cite a few of the obstacles to be met with in the process of inducing the psychic vision, and some also which may be expected in connection with the faculty when induced. Putting aside the greatest of all obstacles—th...
Directions For Using The Ovoids And Shperes For Crystal Or Mirror Vision
Daylight and artificial light are both equally suitable. A North light is the best suited to the human eye. Observer should sit back to the light, holding the Ovoid or Sphere in the palm of the hand, which may rest comfortably on the lap, or it can ...
Experience And Use
First let us have the facts, we can then best see what use we can make of them. This I think is the correct position in regard to any abnormal claim that is made upon our attention. Everybody has heard of the prophecies of the Brahmin seer, most peo...
Kinds Of Vision
There are two kinds of vision, and each of these may be perceived in two different ways. The two sorts of vision are called the Direct Vision and the Symbolic Vision. The first of these is an exact representation of some scene or incident which h...
Materials And Conditions
The crystal is a clear pellucid piece of quartz or beryl, sometimes oval in shape but more generally spherical. It is accredited by Reichenbach and other researchers with highly magnetic qualities, capable of producing in a suitable subject a state...
Obstacles To Clairvoyance
Various impediments stand in the way of inducing second sight, and certain others may be expected to arise in connection with the faculty when induced. Putting aside the greatest of all obstacles, that of constitutional unfitness, as having already ...
Having obtained a good Crystal, as free as possible from blemish, care must be taken to keep it is much as possible in a dark place when not in use. The best covering therefore is a black one of soft material, such as velvet, which will not scratch the...
Preliminaries And Practice
The first consideration by those who would develop clairvoyance by artificial aids is the choice of a suitable agent. It has been the practice for many years to substitute the original beryl or "rock crystal" by a glass ball. I admit that many speci...
There are in existence certain magical works, such as those of Trithemius and Barrett, wherein the use of the Crystal is accompanied by certain rites and invocations. This ceremonial magic we are disposed to repudiate as highly dangerous. It brings int...
Some Experiences
The following facts, in connection with predictions made from the Crystal, have come within the knowledge of the writer, either as personal experiences or in association with others in which the faculty of clear vision is active. A lady of title vis...
Symbols formed the primitive language of the human race, they spoke and wrote in symbols. The hieroglyphic writings of the aborigines of Central America, of the ancient Peruvians, of the Mongolians, and of the ancient Copts and Hebrews all point to ...
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A Postulate
Kinds Of Vision
The Faculty Of Seership
Preliminaries And Practice
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Directions For Using The Ovoids And Shperes For Crystal Or Mirror Vision
The Practice Of Crystal Vision
The Vision
Concise Dictionary Of Astrological Terms
Experience And Use
Obstacles To Clairvoyance
Allied Psychic Phases