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Astral Projection
In our last three lessons we considered that class of Psychomancy arising from the erection and employment of the "Astral Tube." In the present lesson we pass to a consideration of the third class of phenomena, namely, that occasioned by the actua...
"Clairaudience" is a term sometimes used to indicate Astral Hearing. Some writers on this subject treat "Clairaudience" as a separate class of phenomena. But we fail to see the distinction they make. It, of course, employs a different Astral Sense f...
Crystal Gazing
There has been a great revival of interest in the subject of "Crystal Gazing," particularly in England, of late years, and many interesting accounts have appeared in the papers and magazines regarding the results of the experiments. But the majori...
Development Methods
Concentration. In the first place, the student should cultivate the faculty of Concentration, that is the power to hold the attention upon an object for some time. Very few persons possess this power, although they may think they do. The best way to...
Dream Psychomancy
The Student will have noted that in many cases mentioned in these lessons, the Psychomantic vision manifested during physical sleep. The reason of this occurrence is that in the majority of persons the physical nature, when awake, holds the attent...
Future Time Psychomancy
"Future Time Psychomancy," as the term itself indicates, is the name given to that class of phenomena in which one is able to sense the Astral Plane impression of coming events--the psychic shadows thrown before by coming events. In order to give ...
How To Develop Yourself
Passing to the actual practice, we desire to inform our students that the faculty of Psychomancy lies dormant in every person--that is the Astral Senses are present in everyone, and the possibility of their being awakened into activity is always p...
Past Time Psychomancy
As we have previously stated, "Time Psychomancy" is a term used to designate that phase of the phenomena in which one senses objects, events, persons, etc., in the records of the past; and also in which he senses the indications of the future--"th...
You have heard of "Polarity," and "Polarization" in connection with electrical phenomena. "Polarity" is defined by Webster as: "That quality or condition of a body by virtue of which it exhibits opposite or contrasted properties or powers, in opposi...
The phenomena commonly known as "Psychometry," is but one phase of Psychomancy--or it even may be said to be but a ~method employed~ to bring into action the Astral Senses. The Psychometrist merely ~gets into rapport~ with the distant scene; or pe...
Simple Psychomancy
The phenomena of Psychomancy may be divided into three general classes, depending upon the nature of the "seeing," as follows: I. Simple Psychomancy, by which is meant the power of "sensing" by means of the Astral Senses in the degree of a mer...
Space Psychomancy
As we stated in previous lessons, "Space Psychomancy" is the exercise of the faculty in the direction of perceiving far-distant scenes, persons, objects, etc. Of course, there is really an exercise of Space Psychomancy in some instances of Simp...
The Akashic Records
The secret of Past Time Psychomancy is found in the Occult Teachings of the "Akashic Records" by which is meant that on the higher planes of Universal Substance, there are to be found records of all that has happened and occurred during the entire W...
The Astral Body
But, to understand the Astral Senses, one must be made acquainted with the existence of that which Occultists know as "The Astral Body." There is no point in the Occult Teachings better established; longer held; or more thoroughly proven than that o...
The Astral Senses
The Occult Teachings inform us that in addition to the Five Physical Senses possessed by man, viz: Seeing; Feeling; Hearing; Tasting; and Smelling; each of which has its appropriate sense organ, every individual is also possessed of Five Astral Sens...
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Dream Psychomancy
The Astral Tube
The Astral Senses
The Akashic Records
Crystal Gazing
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The Five Methods
Past Time Psychomancy
The Three Classes
The Aura
Simple Psychomancy
The Nature Of Psychomancy
Space Psychomancy
Future Time Psychomancy