The Stones Without The Circle

Outside the circle of Trilithons stand three stones which have not as

yet been described in detail, since they do not fall within the

geometrical arrangement of the circle. They are, however, of the

highest importance, as it is from them, and from their position, that

it is possible to gather some conclusions as to one use to which the

structure may have been put.

Within the circular earthwork, lying in a
line north-west and

south-east, are two small untrimmed Sarsens, while outside the

earthwork stands yet another unworked Sarsen, already referred to as

the Hele Stone or Friar's Heel. The fact that these three Sarsens

are unworked, while all the others show very marked traces of dressing

and trimming, is one that should be remembered. These three stones

occupy no haphazard position either. As already stated, the Hele

Stone marks the rising of the sun on the Summer Solstice. The

remaining two mark both its rising on the Winter Solstice, and its

setting on the Summer Solstice.

