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Crystal Reading
Supernatural Metals
Witch Craft
History of the Devil
In Agues
Give the party three drops in the beginning of the Fit, early in a
morning, in good distilled water of St. John's wort, or of Succory,
and the next day two drops more fasting.
In A Hectick
In The Apoplexie
A Work Of Saturn
In the Name of the Lord, Amen. My Child shall know, that the Stone called the Philosophers Stone, comes out of Saturn. And therefore when it is perfected, it makes projection, as well in mans Body from all Diseases, which may assault them either ...
In A Hectick
Give the party two drops the first day in water of Violets, the second day two drops more in good Wine. ...
In Agues
Give the party three drops in the beginning of the Fit, early in a morning, in good distilled water of St. John's wort, or of Succory, and the next day two drops more fasting. ...
In The Apoplexie
Let one drop fall upon the tongue of the Patient, it will attract it forth immediately like unto a Mist or Fume, and restore the party again; but if he were taken in the Body, or in the Members and Limbs, then give him three drops at once in good wi...
In The Dropsie
Give one drop in baulm water, or Valerian water six days together, the seventh day give three drops in good wine, and it is sufficient. In the Falling Sickness, and its kinds, as Epilepsie, Catalepsie, and Analepsie. In the beginning of the F...
In The Gout
Give three drops in a Cup of Wine fasting to the Party, just at the time when he feels the beginning of his misery, anguish and pain to come upon him, the second and third, use it in like manner; it allaies all pain the first day how great soever it...
In The Leprosie
At the first time take six drops fasting, and cause the impure party to be alone, free from sound people, in a place far distant, and commodious; for all his Body will begin to send forth Fumes and Steams, like unto a stinking Fog, and Vapours abund...
In The Plague
Give the Patient seven drops in good Wine, let the infected party be alone, and let him sweat well upon it, by the Divine Assistance that poison will not prejudice him as to his Life. For a prolongation of a healthful Life. Take and give two ...
Introduction Tincture
Because I have at this present undertaken to write of the of the first Tincture, the Root of Metals and Minerals, and to inform you of the Spiritual Essence, how the Metals and Minerals are at first spiritually conceived and born corporally; it will...
Its Multiplication
The Ancient Wise, having found the Stone, and prepared it to a perfect power, and mutation of the imperfect Metals into Gold, have a long time enquired whether a thing were not to be found to augment the power of the Stone; and they found two kinds ...
Its Use In External Diseases
My Child, there are some people who have external Distempers on their Bodies, as Fistulaes, Cancers, Wolf, or evil Biles, or Holes, be they what or how they will, &c. give him the weight of one Wheat-Corn to drink in warm Wine two days, as is taught...
Its Use In Physick
This Stone cures all Leprous people, Plague, and all Diseases which may reign upon Earth, or befal Mankind; this is the true Aurum potabile, and the true Quintessence which the Ancients sought; this is what thing whereof the whole Troop of Philosoph...
Now My Child Why Is Saturn Fluxible As Wax?
By reason of its abounding Sulphur, which is therein; for I find no fluxibleness or fusibleness in any thing saving in Sulphur, Mercury and Arsenick, and all these three are in Saturn; so that Saturn is quickly fluxible, but all these three are clea...
Now We Come To The Manual Operation
Take in the Name of God, and of the Eternal Trinity, fine and very pure Mineral Antimony, which is fair, white, massie, and inwardly full of yellow Streaks or Veins, and likewise of red and blew Colours, and small Veins, this is the best; pound it t...