The Truth Of Personal Survival

"When once there is established the conviction of the truth of personal

survival of our loved ones, and the actual and satisfactory

demonstrations thereof through mediumship (and we know of no means

whereby such evidences can be obtained save through mediumship), we are

thrilled and delighted; and when this conviction is borne upon us and

driven home by the evidences, and the truth of spirit ministry has been

realized, nothing can destroy it. The spiritualist stands upon firm

ground--the impregnable rock of ascertained fact. He knows that

intercourse between the two worlds is real, continuous; therefore he is

proof against all speculations, denunciations, and adverse theories.

Dogmatic condemnations, 'bogey' cries, charges of fraud against mediums,

fail to move or frighten him. He can 'speak what he knows and testify to

what he has seen;' his positive and affirmative experience and testimony

outweigh all the opposition of 'doubting Thomases' who do not know.

