The Gateway Of Mediumship

"Through the gateway of mediumship the spirits make themselves known in

a variety of ways. There are many phases of mediumistic phenomena, and

the student will find that he must be patient, painstaking, and

persevering if he would make sure of his facts. Careful investigation,

possibly prolonged research, under many difficulties and with many

discouragements, will be required, but 'success is certain if energy

fail not
' and the results will adequately recompense him for all

sacrifice and struggle! For in the light of the demonstrated fact of

continued existence after death, it is clear that man is even now 'a

spirit served by organs'--that consequently the basis of all religious

experience and affirmation is the spiritual consciousness of mankind.

There could be no revelation to man of spiritual truth or moral duty if

he were not a spirit possessing the capabilities of receiving and

comprehending, of interpreting and applying, the revelations and

inspirations which appeal to and quicken the inner (and higher) self."

